You may encounter problems with your braces. This happens occasionally and you do not need to be alarmed. Some of these may be easily managed at home until you can arrange for an emergency appointment with us.
These tips are taken from Dr Ting's app BraceMate App which is available on the AppStore and Android Google Play. Please refer to this My Braces diagram for details on what each part of your braces is called.
Pain and discomfort
It’s normal to feel discomfort for a day or two when you first get your braces on. If this does not improve, a part of your braces may be loose or is sticking out.
Loose or missing parts
It’s not uncommon that a part of your braces may come loose or fall off during the course of your treatment. If there is no pain or discomfort, an emergency appointment is not required.
If you are having difficulties breathing, then it is possible that you may have inhaled a part of your braces. Please seek immediate medical attention!
If you have accidentally swallowed a piece of your braces, this is harmless. Allow it to naturally pass. Please contact us if there is pain or discomfort.
Something sharp or rough is sticking out
Orthodontic wax can provide some relief while you are getting use to your braces. Roll a small piece of wax into the size of a pea and flatten it over the bracket. If you run out of orthodontic wax, you can use the waxy coating of some hard cheeses. Alternatively you may use chewing gum, but be careful not to swallow it!
A wire ligature that is sticking out may irritate your lips and cheeks. Bend the ligature back down and tuck it underneath the archwire. You can use the wooden end of a match stick to push it in. If the wire cannot be pushed away, cover the end of the archwire with some orthodontic wax and contact us and we can arrange for an emergency appointment.
Sometimes the ends of the archwire stick out and irritate the cheeks. Use the eraser end of a pencil and try pushing the end of the archwire flat against the tooth into a more comfortable position. If the wire cannot be pushed away, cover the end of the archwire with some orthodontic wax and contact us and we can arrange for an emergency appointment.